Dr. Helga Müller
Ziegelhüttenweg 19
60598 Frankfurt
Phone with answering machine: 069 / 68 09 76 55
Fax: 069 / 63 65 79
Every client will be advised individually and personally. Please contact me by phone or e-mail to arrange a date or place of counselling which is convenient to both of us. You are welcome to arrange counsellings on phone and written counsellings as well.
If correspondence is done by e-mail, I have to give you notice that I am unable to secure full secrecy.
You reach my bureau by car, train, tube, bus or tram. Trains and tubes stop at Südbahnhof. Take the tram No. 14 or the bus No. 61 and get off at Oppenheimer Landstraße.
All judicial, legal or forensic actions and activities comply with the fees governed by the RVG.
The fees for all out-of-court-settlemens are to be payed for according either to the RVG or an hourly rate or may be negotiated.
Any first date of counselling which is not followed by another brief will cost 190,-- € plus expenses and VAT maximally.
In case you want to claim assistance under the Legal Advice Scheme please download the 'Beratungshilfeantrag', complete the form, take the form and see the officer in charge at the local court, get a so called 'Beratungshilfeschein' from him and be prepared to hand the 'Beratungshilfeschein' and 10,-- € over to my during the first date of counselling.
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